"You are Alison G. Madrigal (waag_rrl003)" by Alison G. Madrigal is an interesting listen ... so interesting, in fact, that I agreed to release it on weareallghosts.
"Who is Alison G. Madrigal?" I hear you ask ... I can't say for sure for she is shrouded in secrecy. I do believe, however, that Todd Elliott aka Toaster is involved with this project in some way ... he introduced me to her, for one, and the sounds bear a cunning similarity to some of his output.
Does it matter? No, I don't think so. Knowing who she is ... or not knowing, as is the case here ... doesn't detract from the soundscapes presented. These are difficult, dissonant sounds for folks who like the complex ... the intricate ... and the difficult. Think "I care because you do" by Aphex Twin and you'll get where Madrigal is coming from.
This isn't ambient music and it certainly isn't music for a date ... far from it, in fact. This is music for the head that has a wonderfully abstract nature to it that ... well ... needs to be felt.
And it is in this contrary world that Madgrial weaves her magic ... creating soundscapes that appear, at first, to be difficult to comprehend but with time and a smidgen of patience ultimately reward the listener.
I hope you enjoy "You are Alison G. Madrigal (waag_rrl003)" by Alison G. Madrigal as much as I have.
An MP3 version is available for free on Archive and lossless version is available on Bandcamp for 'pay what you want' which does include £0.
If you do decide to download this EP for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
- Thomas

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